Epson Stylus 1160 resetter

Epson Stylus 1160 resetterTo perform the reset tiens what to do is the following:

Hay que presionar y mantener apretado el boton de LOAD/EJECT (tomar hoja) y el de Cleaning (limpieza) . We must press and hold the button LOAD / EJECT (take up) and the Cleaning (cleaning).

Mientras mantienes apretados esos botones , tienes que presionar el boton de POWER (encendido) y tenerlo apretado hasta que las luces (ink out – tinta vacia y paper out- falta papel) empiezan a titilar o parpadear. While holding these buttons, you must press the power button (on) and keep it tight until the lights (ink out - empty ink and paper out-out of paper) start to flash or flicker.

Cuadno suceda esto suelta todos los botones. When it has to happen this release all buttons.

Cuando pasen 3 o 4 segundos apreta y mantenlo apretado el boton de CLEANING (limpieza) hasta que las luces que titilaban dejen de hacerlo. When you spend three or four seconds click and hold down the button CLEANING (cleaning) until the lights flickered stop.

YA ESTA!!! NOW THIS! ya quedo lista para usarla!! and am ready to use!

Seria conveniente que cada vez que se haga este procedimiento hacer una limpieza a la esponja interna de la impresora, por que alli deja depositado todo el exceso de tinta de la impresora y podria derramarse. It would be desirable that each time you do this procedure done to clean the sponge inside the printer, because there left on deposit all excess ink from the printer and may spill. Esto no es 100 % necesario pero seria muy bueno que lo hagas. This is not 100% necessary but it would be very good to do so.
Reset a Cero del Contador de Nivel de tinta Residual.
1. Apague la Impresora
2. Retentiendo el botón Resume/Cancel presione el botón POWER y mantenga presionado ambos botones- El indicador luminoso tomará el color verde.
3. Suelte el botón Resume/Cancel, continúe reteniendo el botón POWER
4. Presione y suelte el botón Resume/Cancel una vez, reteniendo el botón POWER aún.
5. Presione nuevamente el botón Resume/Cancel y luego suelte ambos botones a la vez.

6. Cuando el indicador se quede en verde presione y suelte el botón Resume/Cancel por 4 veces
7. Apague la impresora mediante el botón POWER para que la configuración sea guardada. Si no se apaga en el primer intento presiónelo nuevamente.
8. De no quedar perenne la solución, ejecute el siguiente programa luego del procedimiento.

Yo por mi parte investigue y encontre un programa que directamente resetea el contador de tinta para la ip1500, pero tambien funciona con la ip1000.
download resetear
Adjustment program or software resetter for Epson PictureMate printer. On the internet I found two versions of Adjustment program for printers PictureMate, but it seem when the program run, there no difference about the both program. I tested to run this adjustment version in my computer, it no date setting requires like other adjustment program for epson printers. The PictureMate  Adjustment program software can be used copy EEPRsaya data, Head Cleaning, Inkcharge, Check patter, reset waste ink counter and many again.
I dont know this software support for all Epson printers PictureMate version or not. But to use this software not differ with other adjustment program version. Here the screen shot of the adjustment program.

How to use this software
  • Download (view download link below) and extract the software. Then Run this Adjustment program. Click particular adjustment button
  • Change the adjustment setting and adjust to your printer type
  • Select consumable maintenance counter, then click ok.
  • Click initialization button, finish
To download this software visit this link, Adjustment Program PictureMate (435k)
 Epson SX105 and SX106 Adjustment Program

FIX PRINTER ERROR "parts inside printer end service life, waste ink pad counter overflow error"
Please follow the steps below to reset the protection counter effectively.

  1. Double click AdjProg.exe.
  2. Click “Accept” button.
  3. Click "Select" button. and select your printer model then click "OK"
  4. Click “Particular adjustment mode” button.
  5. Select on “Waste ink pad counter” and click “OK” button.
  6. Click on “Initialization” button and the program will reset the protection counter.
  7. Turn off the printer as a program instructed then turn on again.
  8. Click “Finish” button. and its done!
Warning: You might end up with ink leaking out of the printer if you dont either replace the waste ink pad or install external waste bin.

How to Reset Canon IP2770 printer Error code 5B00

100% successful service tool.

Download Canon iP2770 Resetter v1074:

Go to the canon iP2770 printer Service Mode :

The printer is off and plugged the power cord.
Press the RESUME button two seconds
then press the POWER button until the green light flame (while pressing the POWER button, ... dont release RESUME button)
Then release the Resume button, but do not release the POWER button.
POWER button while still pressed, press the Resume button 5 times. Led will flash alternately orange glow green with the last orange. (not to mistaken 4x because the printer will be totally dead, but it is temporary as well) Then ...
Release both buttons simultaneously.
Led will blink briefly and then will glow GREEN.
The computer will detect new devices found, please ignore
This situation is called SERVICE MODE iP2770 and iP2770 ready to be reset.

Then run Canon iP2770 Resetter v1074 :
Extract the File iP2770 Resetter.
Prepare a two paper in the printer (to print at the time of the reset process).
Run the program iP2770 Resetter
Click "MAIN", then the printer will proceed and iP2770 will print one page with the words "D = 000.0"
Click the "EEPRsaya Clear".
Then click the "EEPRsaya", and the printer will print the results off iP2770 Resetter. One of the writing row as follows:
"TPage (TTL = 00 000)"
Turn off the printer by pressing the POWER button.
Thats Done ...
