How to Resetter Epson TX100 - TX101
4/25/2010 by me
2. Download software resetter Epson TX100 - TX101 first. Software named Resetter Epson Stylus TX100 - TX101
3. Date computer does not need to be changed as previously resetter.
4. Run the program resetter Epson TX100 - TX101 with double-click "Loader.exe", do not jump in "AdjProg.exe" because the program will not run if straight from the "AdjProg.exe"
5. Then follow the following image:
Select Epson Printer TX that will reset your ...
Select ESP ..... OK
"Initialization: used to reset or re-counter zero printer"
6. When finished turn off the printer then turn it on again. The printer will flame with a full green light. Means the printer Epson Stylus TX100 - TX101 that blink had been ready for use again.
download link software Resetter Epson TX100 - TX101